Wednesday 23 April 2014

Scientists discover new 'Earth-like planet' which could be home to extraterrestrial life

Scientists have discovered a new planet which is extremely similar to Earth and could be home to extraterrestrial life.
Kepler-186f  is almost exactly the same size as the Earth and has temperatures that are mild enough to allow liquid surface water.
If the planet has lakes or oceans, scientists say it would increase the chances of extraterrestrial life evolving there.
But anything living on the world may have to withstand extra large doses of radiation from its active sun.
The find is described in the journal Science as "a landmark on the road to discovering habitable planets".

Professor Fred Adams, from the University of Michigan in the US, said: "One of the most interesting questions in science is whether life can arise on other planets or, alternatively, if life on this planet is unique.

"The discovery of planets with Earth-like properties is one important link in the chain required to answer this question. And the discovery of the planet Kepler-186f is an important step toward finding a planet that is like our Earth."
The planet was found by astronomers scouring the Sun's neighbourhood of the Milky Way galaxy for potentially habitable

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