Friday 3 January 2014

Three Wise Man

In Spain we celebrate this, because it represents when the kings came to Spain. In Spain all have a ride with the cars, the people in the cars, throw candy, balls, etc. .. For all children who are there. Hard carriages are the three kings, Melchor, Gaspar and Baltasar. The night is magical.

This day is typical to eat a cake with fruit, called "King cake" inside the roulade has a bean and a king. When you eat bean Roscón and eat, you have to pay and if the king cake is eaten, you have to put the crown.

This year I celebrate the day with my family. going to my grandmother's house where she ago a very good meal. and for dessert we had the "King Cake." When we finished eating my cousins ​​and I opened gifts and I thank my grandmother. It was a fun day and I had a great with all my family.

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